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My First Scarf Video Tutorial

Crumbz Craft’s 'My First’ knitting collection, is a series of learning patterns for beginner knitters, accompanied by video tutorials with our knitting specialist Alison Boyd, to help guide you. By following these videos and patterns you will learn the key essentials you’ll need for a long and happy lifetime of knitting. We recommend you start with the scarf, then make the beanie and work your way up to knitting your very own first sweater.

So, first things first - to get started, buy your My First Scarf kit, then come back to this pages to watch the relevant video tutorial and follow along with your pattern at home. Then…the sky’s the limit, and you’re set to explore the wide world of knitting patterns. Enjoy - and if you have any questions - don’t hesitate to ask - we’re here to help! or 03 5962 6635

My First Scarf: Row 1 Demonstration  
Other helpful videos for My First Scarf knitting project, as referenced in the My First Scarf knitting pattern:
My First Scarf Video 1 Cast On Video 2 Knit Stitch  My First Scarf Video 3 Cast Off  Video 4 - Weaving in Ends  Making the perfect pom pom